Chris and Amy interview with Donna Vaughan

During Cesicon2016 Amy and Chris interviewed Donna Vaughin. After hearing so much about Cesicon she decided to come all the way from Northern Ireland to Cesicon. In this interview Donna informs us of the purpose of her job with C2K.

Youth Media Team,
Amy and Chris.

YMT interview… with Chris!


The tables have turned as Chris is interviewed by attendees of the ‘Learn with the Youth Media Team’ workshop at Cesicon2016. As they were given instructions of how the youth media team run, they then decided to interview Chris, a member of the Youth Media Team.

They were interested in how the Youth Media Team made an impact on his life and wondered why he still goes to events with the team.

All this and more at …

Interview With Team 4

Today at the Cesi Conference in DCU, Leanne Salmon and Frieda Creaghan had an interview with Ricardo and Catherine  during a Youth Media Team workshop.

Youth Media Team

Interview with Chris and Amy at CESIcon16


Tony and I interviewed Chris and Amy.  We were struck by their enthusiasm for using technology for learning in formal educational settings.

We both got lots of ideas about how their skills and interests in technology may be fused with practice.

We learned about their differences in experiences moving from primary education to secondary education and how there now appears to be a more integrated approach to technology in education.

Tony and Dermot


Interview with Anna Downes



Caitlin interviewed Anna Downes at the Digital Youth Council planning and review meeting. Anna spoke about the importance of media. She also told us what she did with the Digital Youth Council during their session.


Youth Media Team.

Interview with Steve and Susanne.


Caitlin interviewed Steve and Susanne from Aerial Filming Ireland at the Digital Youth Council’s review and planning meeting. They told us about how they became involved in drones and what they spoke to the Digital Youth Council members about. Suzanne also told us a bit about their new project Sky Tango.


Youth Media Team.



Interview with Jackie Cahill

jackie cahill

At the launch of Brendan Cummins’ book ‘Standing My Ground’ we interviewed Jackie Cahill who co-wrote the book with Brendan.

Jackie gave us an insight into the process of writing a book with a sportsman such as Brendan, his memories from Brendan’s career and a look at the man behind the public persona.

Chris and Amy

Youth Media Team

Interview with Paul Collins

paul collins

At the launch of Brendan Cummins’ book ‘Standing My Ground’ we spoke to Paul Collins, Journalist with Today FM and friend of Brendan.  Paul talked to us about the qualities that Brendan brought to the game of hurling that would make him a good choice as future manager of the Tipperary senior hurling team. Despite pressing him to share some anecdotes about Brendan, he pleaded libel laws and declined to share one with us!

We had a bit of banter with Paul at the end – he reckoned one of us was good and the other was cat! You can decide which was which 🙂

Dave and Finn

Youth Media Team

Interview with Brendan Cummins

brendan cumminsAt the launch of Brendan Cummins’ book ‘Standing My Ground’ which was co-written with Jackie Cahill, we interviewed Brendan, former goalkeeper for the Tipperary Senior Hurling Team.

Brendan shared his thoughts on the inspiration behind the book, his stand out moment from his career, how  he is readjusting to life after retirement from inter county hurling and he even shared a story with us that he couldn’t include in the book!

Róisín and Chris

Youth Media Team