Recap of @YMTfm at #ExcitedIRL

Excited IRL YMT

After two days of producing audio interviews, video footage, still imagery and blog posts, five members of the Youth Media Team join Conor Galvin and Bernie Goldbach in a conversation that reveals part of the inside story of their production skills.

It’s important to know that these secondary school students have developed production values as high as many teachers attending the Excited Education Conference. The production workbook being developed by Finn Briody as an ePub will feature in a working group session conducted by Bernie Goldbach at the e-learning summer school in the Dublin Institute of Technology in June 2014. The #elss14 session will discuss fundamental elements of multimedia storytelling by secondary school students. Specific emphasis will focus on capturing the narrative value of media text.

[Photo of the Youth Media Team by Pam O’Brien in Dublin Castle.]

Interview with Junior Minister Ciaran Cannon

In our interview  with Ciaran Cannon, Jack and Dave talked about today’s extremely successful event. Ciaran was the driving force behind today’s event and it would not have been  able to take place without him. He also expressed his love for music in the interview, he is a talented musician and performed true colours brilliantly last night on the piano. It is safe to say he is a Jack of all trades!

Interview with Marty Cooper

Dave and Caitlin interviewed Marty Cooper, the inventor of the mobile phone, about his idea for the mobile phone, the future of the phone, other inventions he has created and what he thinks about banning phones in schools.

Here are some pics of the original phone



Interview with BT and EU Science Competition Winners!

We caught up with Sophie Healy Thow, Emer Hicky and Ciara Judge who won the Science & Technology section of the BT and EU Young Scientist Competitions – quite an achievement!

We talked about what the young people themselves thought about technology in the classroom and the background of their award-winning Science project!

Stay posted!
Youth Media Team

Interviewing Dr Ruth Freeman

Dr Ruth Freeman, Director of Programmes, Enterprise and International Affairs at the Science Foundation of Ireland took time out of her busy schedule to talk to us.

We chatted about her background in genetics, how the foundation decides who to give funding to and how to get more girls into science.

YMTfm’s interview with Lord David Puttnam

Jack and Aisling interviewed Lord Puttnam.  In the interview, they talked about technology in education, UNICEF, David’s worldwide teaching from his old barn in Cork and they couldn’t help but mention his huge success in film making.  Lord Puttnam sits on the Labour benches but he’s not a politician.  He believes that technology is the only way forward.

Jack and Aisling
Youth Media Team