Aoife, Elaine and Eileen, three teachers, interviewed each other at the Learn with Youth Media Team Workshop today. They learned about what we do at different conferences. You can see more about todays conference, ICT in education using the hashtag #ictedu
Interview with Ann & Deirdre #ictedu
During a fast paced workshop here in LIT, Thurles we recorded on a Zoom H6 field recorder in a very noisy room.
Youth Media Team
Under the #ictedu gazebo
In conversation with Noel Keenan, Tarbert Comprehensive School #ictedu
Noel Keenan, Tarbert Comprehensive School is one of the attendees of this year’s #ictedu conference in LIT Thurles. Noel is a highly experienced teacher with a long history in the field of ICT, with 25 years of ICT usage in the classroom. In fact, Noel was the first teacher in the school to use a computer and projector in the school – the projector still works! He hopes to acquire further knowledge and improve his general ICT skills during the course of the day. @ymtfm, #ymtfm
Interview with Siobhan Magner DBS
As part of the ICTedu conference LIT Thurles, we attended a workshop facilitated by the Youth Media Team. Siobhan outlined her role as a lecturer at DBS and how her career has changed over time.
Youth Media Team
Clare Wallace interviews Anthony Condron
Clare Wallace interviews Antony Condron at the Youth Media Team Workshop at the ICT in Education conference.
Youth Media Team
Front page #ictedu news
Front page on this weeks edition of the Tipperary Star featuring information about today’s conference, ICT in education. Students from the CBS Thurles and members of the Youth Media Team were pictured with an article about technology in the modern day class, the local newspaper also included information about ICT in education. To see more about today’s conference use the hashtag #ictedu on most social media sites.
Starting #ictedu with the Youth Media Team
We’re starting at the ICTeducation conference in Thurles by looking at our workflow that we use to produce audio segments during the day. You can follow the conversation, the photos, and interesting short conversations by viewing the hashtag #ictedu on most social networks
Youth Media Team
Interview with Derek Breen
Finn and Chris interview Derek Breen. We found out how he doesnt mind doing talks in different countries as long as he has his flight paid. We also learned of his hatred for power point and how he involves t-shirts (that he creates using scratch) in his talks. We also heard of the creator of “Colour Divide” and what she is up to since.
Due to technical difficulties we are unable to post our interview yet 🙁
Interview with Leigh Graves Wolf
Amy and Roisin interviewed Leigh Graves Wolf. Leigh is from Michigan State University and delivered a Spotlight presentation and talked about design thinking. In the interview she talked about who she was and how much design thinking can progress in the future.
click here to listen to our interview-
Amy and Roisin
Youth Media Team