Interview with Sean Kelly MEP

The team interviewed Sean Kelly MEP at #MegaDojo. He spoke about why an EU wide Code Week is important and also about how important Ireland’s involvement is. We also learned about the EU Coder Dojo that is happening next weekend and why Sean invited Coder Dojo to the European Parliament.

Roisin and Amy
Yuth Media Team

Interview with Ken Whelan

The team interviewed Ken Whelan. Ken told us a bit about what he does and about his presentation at #MegaDojo. He spoke about the relationship between music and art and also about how important CoderDojo is.

Roisin and Lorcan
Youth Media Team

Interview with Mags Amond

The team interviewed Mags Amond at #MegaDojo. Mags spoke about what she does and how she is getting on today. She also spoke about EU Code Week and how she is involved.

Amy and Cara
Youth Media Team

Interview with Erin from Physics Busking

The team interviewed Erin from Physics Busking at #FEILTE.  She spoke about what they were doing and how people have reacted to their showcase. She shared their experience at the conference today.

Roisin and Amy
youth Media Team

Interview with Chris Reina

The team interviewed Chris Reina at #FEILTE. Chris spoke at Teachmeet Ireland and we asked him about his views on #FEILTE. He told us that one of the things he likes about the conference is diversity and about how teachers are incorporating this in our education system.

Anna and Amy

Youth Media Team

Interview with Miriam Bergin

The team interviewed secondary school teacher Miriam Bergin about the panel she was involved with at #FEILTE today.  Miriam spoke about how important sharing is in education and also about how important technology is in.  She told us about how she uses technology in her classroom and her school.


Youth Media Team

Workshops at #Feilte

Anna went to some of the workshops at #Feilte and interviewed some the presenters afterwards, including Sean Flanagan from Cyber-Bullying Ireland (@CyberBullyingIr)

Connect RP

Make, Create, Innovate

Cog and Axle

Youth Media Team

Interview with Karl Henry and Dr. Ciara Kelly

The team interviewed Karl Henry and Dr. Ciara Kelly about the panel they were involved in at #Feilte. They spoke about the importance of physical education in our lives and how technology can help us to get more active, but that technology cannot replace it. We also spoke about Dr. Kelly’s new radio programme which will be going live tomorrow.

Youth Media Team

Interview with Cormac Cahill

Cormac Cahill is a primary teacher with Carrigaline Educate Together National School. Cormac was part of the Digital Education panel at #Feilte.

He spoke to us about digital literacy and how technology can be used in schools.

Youth Media Team
Lorcan and Anna

Interview with Keelin Shanley

The team interviewed RTE broadcaster Keelin Shanley. Keelin told us about her interest in female representation in STEM and about what she has learned in her career. She also spoke about what she is learning now that her children are in our education system.

Youth Media Team
Roisín and Chris