Interview with Paddy Flood at Feilte

Elena and Roisin interviewed Paddy Flood Director of Schools Cavan Monaghan EDucation and Training Board.  Paddy spoke about the importance of inclusive education in schools. He also shared what he thinks is the greatest hope for education in the future.

Elena and Roisin
Youth Media Team

Agallamh le Pádraig ó Beaglaoich

Rinneamar agallamh ar Pádraig ó Beaglaoich ag Feilte 2017.  Labhair sé faoi obair COGG agus conas suim a spreagadh sa Gheilge idir dhaoine óga. We interviewed Pádraig ó Beaglaoich at Feilte 2017. He spoke about the work of COGG and how to ignite interest in the Irish language for young people.

Lorcan and Elena

Youth Media Team

Interview with Claire O’Brien

Cara and Jack interviewed Claire O’Brien who was involved in a panel discussion on homework at Feilte. She spoke about her experiences as a teacher introducing more creative options around homework with her students.

Cara and Jack

Youth Media Team

Interview with Keelin Shanley

Anna and Jack interviewed Keelin Shanley today at #Feilte. Keelin chaired the discussions throughout the day. Anna and Jack asked her about her documentary “Hacked” which addressed the issue of cyber security. She talked to us about how young people should and can be safe on the internet. Finally she remembered a teacher who influenced her during her school years.

Anna and Jack

Interview with Adam Harris

Denis and Amy interviewed Adam Harris at Féilte 2017. He spoke about how having autism has its ups and downs. He told us that despite his autism holding him back from certain things it also has positive aspects. He talked about his experiences in school and how other schools can help people with Autism feel included and comfortable in the school environment.

Amy and Denis

Youth Media Team

Interview with Joanne O’Riordan at #Feilte

Roisin and Cara interviewed Joanne O’Riordan today at #Feilte. Joanne was giving the capstone speech and also took part in a panel discussion during the day. Joanne spoke about the impact of technology in her life and her favourite piece of technology. She also shared her thoughts on what she thinks the Irish government can do to help support Irish people with disabilities. Joanne also spoke about inclusive education and the role her friends played in not making her feel any different. She gave her advice to young people on everybody having a voice.

Roisin and Cara

Youth Media Team

Interview with Clive Byrne, NAPD at Féilte

Amy and Anna interviewed Clive Byrne at Féilte 2017. He talked about his involvement in NAPD. The National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals ( NAPD) is the professional association for second level school leaders in Ireland. He spoke about why inclusion is important in education and his initial inspiration to get involved in education. He talked about his hopes for education in the future.

Amy and Anna
Youth Media Team

Interview with showcases at #Feilte

Members of the team spoke to some people on the showcase stands at Feilte.

Computing at Schools

The Power of Reading Aloud


Roisin, Jack, Elena, Denis, Loracn and Cara
Youth Media Team