Interview with Jan Muehlfeit


Here Finn interviews Jan Muehlfeit Chairman of Microsoft Europe. Jan speaks about his involvement at the highest levels in advising and guiding on technology usage. He also talks about his career with Microsoft and why he sees technology as an important part of the future for both teaching and learning. He had come to the Khan Academy event today to participate in a panel on the ideas of how platforms like the Khan Academy can help with literacy, mathematics, and future jobs.

This was the first time Mr Muehlfeit met the youth media team. He invited us to visit their headoffice in Brussels if we ever go there to cover an event!

Interview by Finn.

This could be our year

We here at the Youth Media Team usually just report on education based events, but since we’re a Tipperary based group and Tipperary happened to be in the All Ireland, we decided to put together a video documenting the Tipp teams journey to Croke Park.

Up The Premier!

We went along to Semple Stadium last night for the Tipperary Senior Hurling training session before the All Ireland Final.  When we were there we got a chance to interview Johnny B, the man behind the official Tipperary song, ‘This Could Be Our Year’.

We also got to chat to locals John Kennedy and Paddy Moore about their predictions for ‘Hurler of the Year’ and the result of Sunday’s game among other things.



Katie and Bridin’s interview with American teacher Barbara Ledford.

We sat in on Barbara Ledford’s and Dan Priest’s interesting session called ‘Viva La Video’. Dan had featured in another post so we caught up with Barbara. She spoke in her session about her home made videos that she uses to teach her student’s concepts that they often  find difficult such as inequalities in maths. She finds the use of these videos beneficial in the class room.


We grabbed her afterwards for an interview and she spoke about the benefits of technology in a classroom and why it proves successful in her classroom. She stated that technology was a great platform to help children be creative. She says she finds the internet helpful because of the amount of resources available.She began to make her own videos last year and she is currently teaching her own students how to make videos. She says she didn’t always want to be a teacher,until she was 18 she wanted to be a coroner! Barbara also talked about flippedclassroom and how this resource aids in her teaching.


Youth Media Team

Bridin and Katie

Jack and Donal’s interview with Doug Frankish.

We sat in on the ignite session with Ashley Hufnagel, Marcie Lewis, Natasha Smith and Doug Frankish! An ignite presentation is where the talker has only five minutes to get through 20 slides. The slide move along automatically after 15 seconds. This provides a more interesting and punctual presentation!

The first person to speak was Marcie Lewis about Coding. Second up was Natasha Smith. Third was Ashley Hufnagel and last but not least, our interviewee Doug Frankish!


In our interview we talked to Doug about Mystery Skype and how it can be used in classrooms across the world. Once you are paired up with your mystery classroom it is the classes job to try to figure out where the other participating class is from using only yes or no questions!

Youth Media Team

Donal and Jack

Interview with Alison Cottrell

Katie and Caitlin interviewed Alison Cottrell; one of the speakers at the Being Proactive with Cyber Bullying session. During the session Alison and Blair (the other presenter) informed the attendees on how to approach cyber bullying in schools. They recommended monitoring the use of social media in schools by using a sign-in sheet, by being professional and to inform parents of what they are implementing with their cyber bullying policy in school. They also encouraged open discussion within the group to share ideas on how they deal with the issue. In the  interview Alison spoke about how she believes teachers should be trained to deal with cyber bullying and what she learned from the session and speaking with others.

Youth Media Team

Katie and Caitlin

Interview with Dan Priest


Jack and Caitlin interviewed Dan Priest about his experiences in Ireland. He  spoke about his students and his teaching. We also spoke about technology in his life and in his school. He is a high school teacher who  comes from a family where each member has a degree in teaching yet he is the only one to become a teacher. He teaches eleventh graders English and History. When we asked him about his technology he made a joke about the way he liked Irish plugs more than the ones in the US, “it’s funny how people react when you talk about technology!”. Dan is very much a Windows man and even has the phone to prove it !!

Youth Media Team

Jack and Caitlin

Interview with Leigh Graves Wolf


Here Bridin and Finn interview Leigh about her teaching experiences as a , her opinions about technology. She talked to us about here impressions of Ireland what technology she uses on a day to day basis. Surprisingly  she  admiration for Jim Henson [creator of the muppets]. She also shared her thoughts on Irish music that she has heard throughout the streets of Galway ,she also admitted to being a disc jockey in her hay day. Leigh also stated that her camera is her most precious piece of technology.


Youth Media Team :

Bridin and Finn

YMT heads for GREAT 2014 Galway

The Global Resources in Education And Technology (GREAT) Conference is organised by a group of cool people from Michigan State University each summer while they are based at NUIG in Galway.

This year, YMT has been invited to participate.

So it will be a little different…. in fact VERY different!     🙂