Interview with Bill Doherty

Amy and Lorcan interviewed Bill Doherty at the CSPE teachers Conference. He spoke about the importance of the CSPE action projects  and impacts on the teachers and students. He also spoke about a few of his favourite action projects


Amy and Lorcan

Amy and Lorcan
Youth Media Team

Interview with Aoife Cannon

Lorcan and Amy interviewed Aoife Cannon at the CSPE teachers conference. She told us about herself and the work that her and the Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) do. She told us how both students and teachers can get involved and bring this topic into the classroom in a fun and interactive way.

Listen to the interview here

Amy and Lorcan
Youth Media Team

Interview with Susan Kavanagh

Cara and Lorcan interviewed Susan Kavanagh  at the CSPE Teachers Conferance.

They spoke about what restorative practice is and how it effects our daily lives, how it could be useful in our schools and how it links back to the CSPE course.

Cara and Lorcan
Youth Media Team

Interview with Johnny Fallon

Lorcan and Roisin interviewed Johnny Fallon at the CSPE Teachers Conference in Limerick today. Johnny was presenting a workshop about media and democracy. He spoke about how important media is in a democratic country like Ireland and the battle media has with “fake news”.

Lorcan and Roisin

Youth Media Team

Interview with Mags Amond

Mags Amond is the Code Week Ambassador for Ireland and she spoke to us about Code Week and the plans across Europe for the next two weeks. This Code Week is their fifth anniversary and they will have over 100 events in Ireland. She talked about how people can get involved. To register an event or find out about an event in your area log on to codeweek,.eu

Amy and Anna

Youth Media Team

Interview with the Minister for Education and Skills Richard Bruton at Feilte

Today at Feilte Lorcan and Elena had the opportunity to interview Richard Bruton, Minister for Education and Skills. Minister Bruton spoke to us about the Digital Strategy and the new Digital Learning Framework. He gave us an insight into inclusive education in the Junior Cycle and also spoke about coding and Computer Science. The Minister also shared his personal story of his Honours maths teacher.

Lorcan and Elena
Youth Media Team

Interview with Rachel Farrell

Denis and Anna spoke to Rachel Farrell at Feilte.  Rachel has recently been appointed to the school of education in UCD. She previously worked in teacher CPD. She spoke about inclusion in teacher education and her greatest hope for the future of education.

Denis and Anna

Youth Media Team