Starting CESICON 2019 with mic tests

Denis tests the ATR2100 USB mic.

Just before the keynote speech by Mags Amond, Denis and Jack did a mic test using a ATR2100-USB microphone connected via a USB A to USB C adapter into a Galaxy S8 using Spreaker Studio.

Listen to “Jack and Denis microphone Test” on Spreaker.

Bernie Goldbach tested the Beyerdynamic mic connected to the iPad Mini via an iRig Pre.

Listen to “At CESICON 2019” on Spreaker.

Both mic tests sound very clear.

Hello world!

An enthusiastic group of young Irish media creatives have dropped into WordPress where they will share snippets, observations and thoughts from events they cover as part of the Youth Media Team. This is their first post, written quickly as a group to test the set-up of on WordPress.

In The Editing Suite

There’s a lot to learn about blogging, content creation during live events, and sharing a workflow while trying to juggle new pieces of technology. But that’s the challenge we like to face with the Youth Media Team crew!